A message from The Girls’ Brigade Ireland’s National Chaplain to all our members and friends.
A very happy Easter to everyone, to all the members of the Girls’ Brigade, young and old, past and present.
It’s a difficult time for all of us, having to stay at home and stay safe, not being able to see our family and our friends, our relations and our neighbours, but it is great to have technology to keep in touch.
I have been teaching my classes and participating in all church activities online and this is a new experience for me.
I know the Girls’ Brigade members have also been brilliant, posting things on GB Facebook, and I have enjoyed watching all of these activities. Well done to everyone concerned!
The Girls’ Brigade motto is to Seek, Serve and Follow Christ, and I believe by sharing and encouraging one another in this way, we are bringing God’s love to other people.
This week is Holy Week and as there’s no class to teach, I am going to spend the week making Easter cards and writing letters to people that I know are unwell or at home alone.
I am asking you to do the same thing. To make an Easter card and send it to someone who would like to receive it, someone who might be cheered up by receiving an Easter card from you. It’s one of the activities on the GB@Home programme, which is full of excellent ideas to keep you busy.
I’d also ask you to remember to pray for all the essential workers who are helping to keep us safe doctors and nurses, food producers and transporters, the Gardaí, the government, the postal and delivery services, all those people helping us in this time of difficulty.
Heavenly Father, please be with us and our families, guard us and keep us in your loving arms. Help us to remember that you are always with us, and help us to share your love with others. Bless each and every member of the Girls’ Brigade family. Amen.