When you can’t go to GB, bring GB home!
All activities of The Girls’ Brigade Ireland are currently suspended due to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, but we are finding new ways to connect with our members and to keep the GB spirit bright during this challenging time.
We have developed some programmes that our girls can do at home while our Companies are closed. These are written with busy mums and dads in mind so don’t need too many materials or assistance to complete.
Girls must complete at least six activities to receive a special GB@Home certificate. Certificates will be sent out when GB is back up and running later in the year. Of course they are welcome to try out some more activities, or even give some of the other age groups’ packs a go!
The programmes are also available to any other girls and boys who would like to try them out; if you’re not connected to a Girls’ Brigade Company just get in touch with our HQ to receive your certificate.
Please be sure to let us know if you’re enjoying the programmes! You can send us your photos and videos to share on our Facebook page by Facebook Messenger, email to info@girlsbrigadeirl.ie, or WhatsApp to 0871824440.